Why choose El Sheikh? Because our first and foremost goal is to provide our customers with the best experience at El Sheikh tires and batteries. At Elsheikh, you can find all your car needs in one place from batteries to tires, and all within a price range that makes El Sheikh the most affordable vendor of car tires, batteries, and trims. One of our main goals at El Sheikh is providing our clients with the best service and guidance. Tires are a very wide topic and to choose the right tire, it’s best to take these points into consideration, the right tire size, speed rating, and how these two elements play a role in the performance of the car and the safety of its users.
What is Speed Rating?

No matter how fast or slow you drive, speed rating codes are a very important indicator of the tire’s stability. There is a very long list of speed ratings, but we’ll sum them up for you. In a previous article, we mentioned the 4 main tire indicators that can be found on the right side of the tire; for instance, 15/65/195mm and V, and the V stands for the speed rating. Each speed has a tire that suits it and enhances its performance, whilst keeping the driver safe by making the car more stable on whatever road it’s on. For instance, A8 or B are not suited for highroads or high speeds, and the list goes on to Y, with A1 as the lowest and it can endure less than 40Km/h and from A to H the endurance of the tires is still low, but at H the speed level is a bit higher and can endure above to 210Km/h. the most common ones are the H-rated tires, T-rated tires, and the ZR-rated tires. The H-rated are for common use, T-rated are mostly used in vans or family cars, whilst the ZR are used for sport cars and are above the Y-rated tires.
Speed Rating Chart
Speed Rating Symbol | Speed (mph) | Speed (km/h) |
A1-A8 | <25 mph | <40 km/h |
B | 31 mph | 50 km/h |
C | 37 mph | 60 km/h |
D | 40 mph | 65 km/h |
E | 43 mph | 70 km/h |
F | 50 mph | 80 km/h |
G | 56 mph | 90 km/h |
J | 62 mph | 100 km/h |
K | 68 mph | 110 km/h |
L | 75 mph | 120 km/h |
M | 81 mph | 130 km/h |
N | 87 mph | 140 km/h |
P | 94 mph | 150 km/h |
Q | 100 mph | 160 km/h |
R | 106 mph | 170 km/h |
S | 112 mph | 180 km/h |
T | 118 mph | 190 km/h |
U | 124 mph | 200 km/h |
H | 130 mph | 210 km/h |
V | 149 mph | 240 km/h |
ZR | Above 168 mph | Above 270 km/h |
W | 168 mph | 270 km/h |
Y | 186 mph | 300 km/h |
(Y) | Above 186 mph | Above 300 km/h |
Why are Speed Ratings Significant?
Speed ratings indicate how much heat the tire can endure and not following these guidelines can result in damaging the tire, slower response in the steering wheel, or problems with coming to a stop. These guidelines are set by the Society of Automotive Engineers Standards, by exposing the tires to controlled very high heat conditions which can reach up to 100 degrees for one hour. As we mentioned before, each road and each speed require a specific tire type and speed rating to ensure the safety of its users.
A Caring Service
El Sheikh provides with care all kinds of services in one place to save your time because we understand how time-consuming it can be to go to different places for the same service, and that’s why we have a team of specialists that will help you decide the right tire for your car and the right speed rating that works for you. Whether just a normal H or a sport ZR, your visit to El Sheikh will be time-worthy.
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